Crumbs is being retired on 31 December 2024. Read the announcement here
Searching and viewing customers
The home page in Crumbs shows all of your customers in one place.
From here, you can easily add a new customer or find an existing one and edit it.
Adding and editing customers
It's super easy to add new customers if they're not already synchronised from Jira Service Management. It's just as easy to edit an existing customer.
Importing and exporting customers
If you want to import your customers from an external tool, you can use the CSV import feature.
Linking issues
If you'd like to link a Jira issue to a customer in Crumbs, you can easily search for a match and make your selection. Once linked, information about the customer can be viewed easily within the Jira issue itself.
This will save time for Jira users who no longer have to open a 3rd party tool to find out more.
Searching for linked issues
If you'd like to search for issues linked to customers in Crumbs, you can use JQL. You can configure SLAs, automation rules, and filters using customer information stored in Crumbs.
Managing fields
You can add additional custom fields to capture the information that you need. You can also group them into sections so that they're displayed in a way that makes sense to your end-users.