
BambooHR Integration for Jira is no longer available for sale on the Atlassian Marketplace from 01 Dec 2021. 

If you'd like to continue using the product, please get in touch and we can discuss your options.

To configure settings, you must be logged in as a user with the Jira Administrators global permission.

You can adjust settings using the Settings screen.

  1. Choose  → Manage apps
  2. Select BambooHR → Settings


To connect Jira to your BambooHR site, you must enter values in the following fields.

BambooHR subdomain

The subdomain used to access your BambooHR account.

If you access BambooHR at, then the subdomain is 'mycompany'.

API key

To enable Jira to authenticate with BambooHR, you need an API key.

To generate an API key, log in to your BambooHR account and click your name in the upper right-hand corner of any page. If you have sufficient permissions, you will see an 'API Keys' option.

From here:

  1. Click 'Add New Key'
  2. Give your key a name (e.g. Jira Integration)
  3. Click 'Generate Key'
  4. Copy the key and paste it into the API key setting in Jira

For more information on the BambooHR API, please refer here.


Import frequency

Use this to configure how often data is synchronized from BambooHR.

The following options are available:

  1. Daily at a specified time
  2. Hourly
  3. Every 2 hours
  4. Every 4 hours
  5. Every 6 hours
  6. Every 12 hours
  7. Cron expression
  8. No regular import

When you choose option 1, you are prompted to enter a specific time in 24-hour format (e.g. 23:59). Options 2 - 6 will result in synchronization happening on the hour (e.g. 16:00, 17:00 etc.).

If you want to have full control over the sync schedule, you can use option 7 to enter a CRON expression. This consists of six fields:

  • second (0-59)
  • minute (0-59)
  • hour (0-23)
  • day of the month (1-31)
  • month (1-12)
  • day of the week (0-6)

Find out more about CRON expressions here.

Start date

The date from which time off requests should be synchronized from BambooHR.

For example, if you enter '2019-04-05', only requests from the 5th of April 2019 onwards will be synchronized into Jira.

Year range

Use this field to configure how far into the future time off requests should be synchronized. This is useful for when somebody has requested time off far in advance - for instance, a sabbatical.

For example, if you enter the following field values, time off requests will be synchronized up until 2024-04-05:

  • Start date: '2019-04-05'
  • Year range: '5'
Request types

Use this field to control which request types are synchronized from BambooHR.

This field will not be visible until after the first sync has completed. You may need to reload the page to see this field.

The types available depend on how your site is configured. There may be some types which you don't wish to synchronize. If you'd like to simply synchronize all types, ensure the 'Select all' field is checked.

Deleting app data

To reset BambooHR Integration for Jira to its original state, click the 'Delete app data' button at the bottom of the Settings page.

This will remove all of the following from your instance:

  • all settings;
  • all synchronized data (e.g. time off requests);
  • the BambooHR Jira project, user, and user group.