Note |
Crumbs is being retired on 31 December 2024. Read the announcement here |
You can search and view organizations customers in Crumbs using the home page.
- In the top-left corner, click the Jira home icon (, , , ).
- Click the Crumbs icon ().
Searching for organizations
To search for an organization In the main navigation bar, click the Apps menu and choose Crumbs.
You have the option of using either the card view (default) or the table view. Click the button at the top right of the page to switch views.
Searching for customers
To search for a customer, simply enter text in the Search search box at the top of the page. The page will react instantly as you type by showing filtering and refreshing the list of the most relevant results.
Your search term is matched against the following fields:
Main Contact
You can also add other search criteria, like Main Contact, City, and Country, by using the field filters next to the search box. If there are existing filters applied, click the Clear filters button to reset the search criteria.
Set the field filters for your search. You can search against default fields such as Description as well as custom fields that you create yourself (e.g. Size, Status etc.).
From here, you can:
view a customer by clicking the card or its name in the table view.
view linked issues.
in table view only:
reorder and sort the list of
customers by clicking the column heading
(table view only).
if you have the Crumbs Manager global permission, remove
a customer by clicking on the right-hand side of its corresponding row.
Crumbs will try to find an avatar for the organization using its website address. If tries to set the customer's avatar by looking for its website icon. If it finds one, this will display be displayed on the card or to the left of each organizationcustomer in the table view. If it doesn't find one, the Crumbs logo is displayed instead.
Jira Service Desk Management organizations are displayed using the logo. These organizations can only be removed from Jira Service DeskManagement. It is not possible to remove them from Crumbs.
To view an organizationa customer:
click the card or its hyperlinked name on the home page
(see Searching and viewing);
- click in
click ↗️ in a linked Jira issue (see Linking issues).
Here, you can view and edit the organizationcustomer's details, including:
Main Contact (a user with an Atlassian account - e.g. a Jira Software user or Jira Service
DeskManagement customer)
Address Details
Additional fields, grouped in your configured sections
You can also view issues that are linked to the customer.
Recent open issues: linked open issues. A maximum of 50 issues is displayed and the most recently updated issue is displayed first.
Recently closed issues: linked issues that had their resolution set in the last 7 days. A maximum of 50 issues is displayed and the most recently resolved issue is displayed first.
To edit a field, hover your mouse pointer over the field and click. Enter If you have permission to do so, you will be able to enter some text or select choose a value.
Just like in on the home page, Crumbs tries to find an set the avatar by looking for the organization using its website address. Don't forget to prefix this with http:// or https://! icon. The avatar is displayed at the top left of the details page.
To navigate back to the home page, click the 'OrganizationsMy Customers' link in the breadcrumb at the top of the page.
If the organization customer has been synchronized from as a Jira Service DeskManagement organization, the logo is displayed on the right of the breadcrumb at the top of the page.
Searching for linked issues
You can search for linked Jira issues using Jira Query Language (JQL). See here for more details.